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  • February Birthstone Amethyst meaning, healing properties and information
    February 2, 2023 Alison Cornford-Matheson

    February Birthstone: Amethyst

    While a modern list of birthstones wasn’t developed until 1912 (which was subsequently updated in 1952), the concept of birthstones is much older. While their exact origin isn’t known, some believe the birthstone idea dates back to the 8th century,...

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  • Seraphinite Gemstone meaning and properties
    January 19, 2023 Alison Cornford-Matheson

    Seraphinite Gemstone Meaning and Properties

    In the world of gems, Seraphinite is a spectacular stone. Along with strong coloring and unique patterning, the Seraphinite gemstone often exhibits an attractive optical effect, making it even more intriguing. While Seraphinite isn’t a stone everyone’s familiar with, it’s...

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  • January Birthstone: Garnet
    January 5, 2023 Alison Cornford-Matheson

    January Birthstone: Garnet

    Birthstones are part of a long-standing tradition. Every month is connected to at least one specific gemstone, making it particularly meaningful to those born during that month. As a result, many people adore birthstone jewelry. Some seek it out for...

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  • 8 Phenomenal Colour Change Gemstones
    December 8, 2022 Alison Cornford-Matheson

    8 Phenomenal Colour Change Gemstones

    When you’re looking for a captivating jewelry piece or striking different gemstones to add to your collection, color-change gemstones are an excellent addition. The shifting hues make the different colors of the stone visually intriguing, giving the gems that little...

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  • Iolite Gemstone Information - Fierce Lynx Designs
    November 24, 2022 Alison Cornford-Matheson

    Iolite Gemstone Information

    For fans of eye-catching, unique stones, the iolite gemstone is often a favorite. Along with striking color, well-cut pieces often feature intriguing color shifts that you don't find in many other gems. As a result, jewelry fans and collectors alike...

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