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Andalusite Gemstone Information

Andalusite Gemstone Information

When you think of jewelry or collector stones, the andalusite gemstone isn't probably in the top ten of gems that come to mind. However, it's almost a pity that's the case, as the andalusite crystal is genuinely spectacular.

Jewelry and collector-quality versions of the stone offer vibrant colouring and a breathtaking play-of-colour, almost guaranteeing that it stands out. Since that's the case, it's a favourite among those looking for something unique.

If you're curious about the andalusite gemstone, including its colour, properties, uses, and more, here's what you need to know about the andalusite stone.

Andalusite Properties

The andalusite gem isn't technically a gemstone as with many other stones. Instead, it's an aluminosilicate mineral with some intriguing characteristics that help it stand out from the pack.

One striking feature of andalusite is its pleochroism, a specific kind of play-of-colour that causes the gem to shift hues depending on the viewing angle visually. Often, expert gemstone cutters work to accentuate the pleochroic nature of andalusite. By doing so, they can ensure that the multiple colours are visible when the gem is face-up, giving it a mosaic appearance across the various faceted surfaces.

Generally, pleochroism is most apparent in transparent andalusite, making those the favourite option for jewelry. However, andalusite can actually vary from opaque to transparent, with those that are less translucent typically being turned into cabochons or beads or used for industrial purposes.

Another intriguing tidbit about andalusite is that its chemical composition is exactly what you find in kyanite and sillimanite. However, each of the stones has a distinctive structure since they're formed under different temperature and pressure conditions. That causes the andalusite crystal and other two gemstones to have unique appearances.

Andalusite Color

Andalusite mineral

Photo by By Moha112100 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

Like many other gems, the andalusite stone doesn't come in just a single colour. In fact, its pleochroism means that most individual andalusite crystals don't appear to be only one hue but several.

Generally, andalusite is commonly found in a range of brown, yellow, orange, and green hues. In some cases, there may be hints of pink or violet. Additionally, certain areas might be white or gray, and you may even see colourless segments.

Thanks to pleochroism, a single cut gem may have two strikingly different colours: burnt orange in some areas and lime green in others. However, some have far subtler differences, with gems shifting from deep amber to goldenrod yellow or from chocolate brown to chestnut.

Variations in transparency can also lead to perceived colour variations. With transparent andalusite crystals, the hue of any light passing through the stone may cause the gem to seem warmer or cooler. With translucent or opaque versions, that isn't as likely.

The History of Andalusite

Andalusite gemstones were formally named in 1978 after the Andalusia region of Spain, where the original specimens examined were thought to originate. However, those gems were actually from Guadalajara.

Ultimately, the misstep was perpetuated over time. While people are now aware of the mistake, the name of the stone remained.

When it comes to andalusite uses, they go far beyond what many people expect. One of the most vital industrial uses of andalusite is its role in creating heat-resistant bricks and ceramic pieces critical to the steel-making process. You can also find andalusite in certain chemicals and glasses.

Its heat resistance also makes andalusite a solid choice for specific other applications. For example, it is found in some spark plugs.

However, andalusite gemstones that feature spectacular colour and clarity are typically used for jewelry pieces. Similarly, a standout andalusite crystal will often become a collector's stone.

Where Is Andalusite Found?

Generally speaking, the andalusite gemstone forms in areas with argillaceous rocks, such as shale, are present. As a result, multiple regions are potentially capable of producing andalusite.

When it comes to the largest producer of andalusite, that honour goes to South Africa. There are also highly productive mines in France. However, those aren't the only nations where andalusite is found. For example, Brazil, China, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, and the United States are also known andalusite sources.

Andalusite Jewelry

Gem quality faceted Andalusite

Generally speaking, you won't find much andalusite jewelry in chain stores. Partially, this is because the colour variation in the andalusite gemstone doesn't always make it ideal for mass production. Finding enough stones with a similar colour profile for a large run is simply far more challenging of a task that most chains want to navigate.

However, the andalusite crystal is incredibly popular with independent designers. Independent designers often work with stones with variations, creating small runs or even individual pieces when the right gemstone comes along.

Since that's the case, you can find andalusite jewelry with relative ease. Andalusite rings are widely available, and andalusite pendants, drop earrings, and studs. You might see andalusite tennis bracelets, too, though these aren't necessarily as common.

If you're open to andalusite beads, strand necklaces and bracelets are reasonably easy to find. In some cases, you might even spot a pendulum featuring the beads.

Andalusite Meaning

Overall, the andalusite meaning varies depending on a person's belief system. Some people associate the gemstone with self-realization and re-alignment. Others consider it a stone of protection, blocking out negativity that could cause harm.

The andalusite gemstone meaning is also associated with clearing energetic blockages and supporting all of the chakras. Some feel it's also a stone of insight and wisdom, particularly when it comes to identifying one's purpose or choosing a life direction.

Photo by By Moha112100 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 Link 

On the healing side, some believe that andalusite is a restorative gem. Along with benefiting sleep, some feel the andalusite gemstone can assist the nerves, muscles, and joints.

However, it's critical to keep in mind that there's no proof that andalusite – or any other stone – can prevent or treat any medical condition. While wearing, holding, or meditating on andalusite likely won't cause harm, it shouldn't be viewed as a substitute for care from a medical professional.

Stones Similar to Andalusite

Generally speaking, you won't find many crystals similar to andalusite gemstones. Mainly, this is because pleochroism isn't particularly common. Since that's the case, it's challenging to find gems in similar hues that also feature pleochroism.

The sphene gemstone may be your best bet if you're hoping for matching colours and pleochroism. Also known as titanite, sphene comes in various colours, including yellow, brown, orange, red, and green. Additionally, it's a pleochroic gem, so there's a similar play of colour.

Otherwise, you'll want to focus on stones in one of the andalusite colours, even if there isn't pleochroism. For example, certain garnets may be a reasonable fit, as garnets come in shades of red, orange, brown, and yellow. Zircon is also available in various colours, making it a potential stand-in. Sphalerite can also resemble andalusite in some cases, so it could be worth exploring, too.

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