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Labradorite Gemstone Information - Fierce Lynx Designs

Exploring Labradorite: Nature's Iridescent Beauty

When it comes to beautiful gems, many people focus on widely known stones like rubies and diamonds. However, for those who look beyond the gemstones available at major jewelers, labradorite is often a favorite.

The labradorite gemstone is one of the most striking stones around, featuring a unique coloration that you rarely see elsewhere. This makes it a favorite among smaller jewelers and those who embrace belief systems with metaphysical characteristics.

While labradorite is often breathtaking, it is also reasonably affordable. If you'd like to find out more about what the labradorite gemstone has to offer, here's an overview of its properties, color, meaning, and more.

Labradorite Properties

raw labradorite


The labradorite stone isn't a gem; it's a mineral. It's actually comprised of feldspar and is part of the plagioclase series. Typically, a piece of labradorite has distinct, visible striations. Additionally, this gem is known for exhibiting twinning.

One of the defining properties of labradorite is labradorescence, a form of play-of-color. It occurs when light strikes a twinning surface inside the labradorite piece, leading it to reflect various hues.

At times, distinguishing the labradorite gemstone from others in the plagioclase series is incredibly challenging. If the characteristic labradorescence isn't present, which can occur in some labradorite stones, it is hard to tell it apart from other gems that are part of the same class.

Labradorite Meaning and Symbolism

labradorite metaphysical properties

Many belief systems ascribe meanings to stones. When it comes to the meaning of labradorite, it depends somewhat on the belief system involved. Based on its wide range of potential coloring, labradorite could align with several chakras, particularly the throat and third eye chakras.

Labradorite, with its captivating play of colors, holds deep meanings and symbolism that have resonated through cultures and centuries. This iridescent gemstone is often associated with transformation, awakening, and mystical energy.

In Inuit mythology, labradorite is believed to have fallen from the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis. According to the legend, a warrior struck the rocks with his spear, releasing the lights into the stone. The shimmering colors of labradorite are said to contain the Northern Lights' mystical essence, connecting the stone to the spiritual realm.

Aurora Borealis

The stone's shimmering hues are thought to stimulate the imagination and encourage creativity. Labradorite is also linked to intuition and self-discovery, making it a favorite among those seeking spiritual insight.

For some, the labradorite stone meaning focuses on protection. Certain people think that it can shield a person from misfortune or negativity or help a person overcome their fears. Its water-like visual qualities lead some to associate the labradorite crystal meaning with calmness and serenity, as well.

Using Labradorite in Feng Shui

Labradorite, with its unique and captivating play of colors, holds a special place in Feng Shui practices. This ancient Chinese art of placement emphasizes the arrangement of objects and spaces to enhance the flow of energy, or "qi," to promote harmony and balance. Labradorite's energetic properties make it a popular choice for incorporating positive energy into your living and working spaces.

Here's how labradorite is used in Feng Shui:

1. Energetic Balance: In Feng Shui, labradorite is often associated with the Water element. This element is linked to emotions, intuition, and depth. Labradorite's iridescence resembles the fluidity of water, making it a symbol of emotional balance and calmness. Placing labradorite in spaces that need a sense of tranquility can help create a harmonious environment.

2. Protection and Shielding: Labradorite is believed to possess protective qualities that deflect negative energies and shield the aura from harmful influences. Placing labradorite near entrances or windows can act as a barrier against unwanted energy entering your home or office.

3. Enhancing Intuition and Creativity: Labradorite's connection to the Third Eye chakra, which is associated with intuition and insight, aligns with Feng Shui principles of enhancing these aspects of life. Placing labradorite in spaces where you seek clarity or creative inspiration can amplify these qualities.

4. Wealth and Abundance: Labradorite's play of colors is reminiscent of hidden treasures and riches. It's believed that labradorite can attract opportunities for abundance and prosperity. Placing labradorite in the Wealth corner (the Southeast area of your space) can support your intentions for financial growth.

5. Career and Pathway Energies: The iridescent play of colors in labradorite can represent the various paths and possibilities in life. Placing labradorite in the North (Career) or the Northeast (Path in Life) sectors of your home or office can help energize your career aspirations and personal growth.

6. Meditation and Focus: Labradorite's reflective qualities can aid in meditation and mindfulness practices. Its calming energy and connection to the Water element can help you achieve a peaceful state of mind and enhance your focus during meditation.

7. Bedroom Harmony: Placing labradorite in the bedroom can enhance the emotional balance of the space. Its soothing energies can create a serene atmosphere, supporting restful sleep and emotional well-being.

When incorporating labradorite into your Feng Shui practices, consider its color, shape, and placement within your space. Displaying labradorite clusters or spheres can radiate its energy more effectively. As you arrange and place labradorite more in alignment with Feng Shui principles, you can harness its positive qualities to promote well-being, balance, and prosperity in your surroundings.

Labradorite healing properties

In healing practices, labradorite is believed to balance and cleanse the aura, promoting overall well-being. It's considered a stone of strength and perseverance, assisting individuals in navigating life's challenges with grace. Whether worn as jewelry or kept as a talisman, labradorite is a symbol of hope and transformation, guiding its wearer through life's transitions.

When it comes to labradorite healing properties, it's important to note that, while some believe holding, wearing, or meditating on a stone can provide a physical healing benefit, that isn't scientifically proven. Stones of any kind should not be used as stand-ins for healthcare or treatment by a medical professional. However, in most cases, possessing a gemstone doesn't put a person at risk, either. As a result, if wearing, holding, or meditating on labradorite makes you feel better, then doing so is probably fine.

Labradorite Colors


The labradorite crystal is best known for its labradorescence. This play-of-color phenomenon means the labradorite stone can exhibit a wide area of hues in a single piece.

Usually, the most dominant color in a labradorite gem is a brilliant blue. However, it can also shimmer with emerald greens, fiery reds, rich oranges, and bold yellows.

Labradorite stones with the highest degree of labradorescence are typically viewed as the most valuable. Those that only shine blue or with a minimal amount of other hues aren't considered as desirable.

The Science Behind Labradorite's Spectral Play

labradorite's flashy iridescence

Labradorite's enchanting play of colors, known as labradorescence, is a captivating optical phenomenon rooted in its mineral composition. This remarkable display of spectral hues is a result of light interference within the gemstone's structure.

Labradorite belongs to the feldspar mineral family and contains layers of different materials. These layers, known as lamellae, consist of alternating anorthite and albite compositions. When light enters the stone, it encounters these layers, causing interference and diffraction of the light waves.

As a result, the light is dispersed into various colors of the spectrum, creating the mesmerizing play of blues, greens, yellows, and purples that labradorite is renowned for. When the stone is moved or rotated, these colors dance across the surface, producing an almost magical effect.

The intensity and range of colors in labradorescence can vary depending on the stone's orientation, thickness of the lamellae, and the quality of the cut. Skilled lapidaries carefully work with the stone's natural structure to maximize its labradorescent display.

Understanding the science behind labradorite's spectral play adds an extra layer of appreciation to this already remarkable gemstone, making it a favorite among both collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

The History of Labradorite

The name “labradorite” is actually an homage to where the stone was first discovered: Labrador, Canada. It was originally found there in 1770. The stone's striking play of colors caught the attention of Moravian missionaries, who brought it to Europe. Labradorite's popularity grew, and it eventually became a sought-after gemstone for jewelry and spiritual purposes.

Generally speaking, labradorite is an ornamental stone. It has been used to create jewelry, and some larger pieces have been carved into various shapes.

Beyond its use in jewelry, labradorite has found a place in modern architecture and design. Its iridescent qualities are sometimes incorporated into buildings and interior design elements. Labradorite tiles or slabs can be used to create stunning accent walls, countertops, and decorative features, adding a touch of enchantment and elegance to spaces.

Where Is Labradorite Found

polished labradorite stone

Besides Labrador, Canada, deposits have been discovered in Finland, for example, where it was named “spectrolite.” Madagascar and Russia also have labradorites, often with a dark gray or black base. Transparent labradorite with the desirable play-of-color has even been found in India, though only in small quantities.

The state of Oregon has also produced some transparent labradorite in a range of colors, including blue, red, orange, pale green, yellow, and clear. Pieces from Oregon typically lack labradorescence. However, they may contain some copper, creating a different kind of flash.

Usually, labradorite is found in various igneous rocks. It can be the most abundant mineral present in stones like anorthosite, basalt, norite, and gabbro. However, it can also be with metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.

Labradorite Mining and Sustainability

In today's conscientious world, the ethical sourcing of gemstones like labradorite is of paramount importance. Labradorite, a captivating gemstone with unique play of colors, is sourced from various locations globally. However, ensuring its extraction aligns with ethical and sustainable practices is crucial to maintaining the gem's allure without harming the environment or communities involved.

Ethical sourcing involves considering factors such as fair labor practices, minimizing environmental impact, and supporting local economies. Artisanal mining communities that extract labradorite must be treated fairly and provided safe working conditions. Moreover, sustainable mining practices help preserve the ecosystems in which these gemstones are found.

sustainable gemstone mining

Responsible miners prioritize land restoration, reforestation, and water conservation to minimize the ecological footprint. By adhering to these principles, the long-term viability of labradorite mining can be ensured without compromising the environment.

As a jewelry designer who values sustainability and authenticity, partnering with suppliers who adhere to ethical practices ensures that the labradorite gemstones used in your creations not only possess exceptional beauty but also a story of responsible sourcing.

Labradorite Jewelry

Overall, labradorite isn’t typically found in mass-produced jewelry, such as what you would find at a major jewelry store chain. However, it is incredibly popular with smaller designers, predominately due to the stone’s fantastic play-of-color and iridescent qualities.

By and large, labradorite tends to be polished instead of faceted. You can typically find labradorite cabochons and labradorite beads with relative ease. Those approaches allow the various colors to really shine, which is why most independent jewelry creators favor them.

Labradorite rings and pendants typically feature dramatic cabochons, as a larger sized stone makes it easier for the wearer to enjoy the play-of-color. For a labradorite necklace or labradorite bracelet, beads are often a popular approach. Labradorite earrings may include some of both.

Shop our Labradorite Jewelry Collection

As for supporting metals, silver, white gold, and yellow gold are all popular choices. Generally, you won’t find labradorite paired with platinum, mainly because the stone isn’t viewed as overly valuable, and smaller jewelers often don’t favor that metal.

Caring for Labradorite Gemstones

cleaning labradorite

To ensure the longevity and radiance of your labradorite gemstone jewelry, proper care is essential. While labradorite is a durable stone, it requires attention to maintain its brilliance. Here are some care tips:

  1. Gentle Cleaning: Clean your labradorite jewelry with mild soap and lukewarm water. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the stone's surface.

  2. Soft Cloth: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the gemstone. This will help remove dirt and oils that can accumulate over time.

  3. Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Labradorite is sensitive to temperature changes. Remove your jewelry before exposing it to extreme heat or cold to prevent cracking or damage.

  4. Minimal Exposure to Water: While labradorite isn't overly porous, prolonged exposure to water can weaken its structure. Remove jewelry before swimming or bathing.

  5. Storage: Store your labradorite jewelry separately from other pieces to prevent scratches. Consider using a soft pouch or lined jewelry box.

  6. Avoid Chemicals: Keep your labradorite jewelry away from household chemicals, perfumes, and cosmetics. These substances can dull the gemstone's shine.

  7. Recharging Energy: Place your labradorite jewelry under the moonlight or on a selenite charging plate to cleanse and recharge its energy.

By following these care guidelines, you can ensure that your labradorite jewelry remains as vibrant and captivating as the day you acquired it.


By and large, there aren't any stones that are highly similar to labradorite gems that feature labradorescence. It is a unique characteristic, even among other gems that are known for a play-of-color, like .

However, some pieces of moonstone may have a reasonable resemblance to labradorite. Like labradorite, moonstone is part of the feldspar family and is known for its adularescence, another form of play-of-color. But, while labradorite's base hue tends to lean darker, moonstone is usually lighter, with a base color closer to a milky white or light gray.

When labradorescence is removed from the equation, labradorite can be hard to distinguish from many other stones in the plagioclase series and other feldspars. As a result, many of them could be reasonable stand-ins. Otherwise, it would depend on the exact labradorite color you want to replicate.

Labradorite vs. Other Iridescent Gemstones

labradorite crystals

Labradorite's unique iridescence places it in a league of its own among gemstones, but how does it compare to other iridescent beauties like moonstone and opal? Let's explore the distinctions:


  • Play of Colors: Labradorite displays a vivid play of colors, often dominated by blue, green, and purple hues. The colors can change as the stone is viewed from different angles.

  • Composition: Labradorite's iridescence is caused by light interference within its layered structure, known as labradorescence.

  • Variability: The intensity of labradorescence varies from stone to stone, creating a unique and dynamic visual effect.


  • Adularescence: Moonstone exhibits a phenomenon called adularescence, characterized by a soft, milky sheen that appears to glide across the surface. The sheen is usually bluish or white.

  • Translucence: Moonstone is typically translucent with a pale body color, often resembling the moon's ethereal glow.

  • Colors: While blue and white are common, moonstone can also display peach, gray, and rainbow hues.


  • Play of Colors: Opal is renowned for its play of color, where vibrant flashes and patterns of multiple colors change as the stone is moved.

  • Formation: Opal's play of colors is caused by silica spheres diffracting light. Precious opal showcases the most vivid play, while common opal lacks the same effect.

  • Diversity: Opal's color patterns can range from pinfire to harlequin, and its color combinations are virtually endless.

While all three gemstones possess iridescence, each has its distinct visual signature. Labradorite's labradorescence, moonstone's adularescence, and opal's play of colors offer a diverse spectrum of iridescent beauty for jewelry enthusiasts to admire and enjoy.

How to Spot Fake Labradorite

checking for real labradorite

Spotting fake labradorite can be a challenge, as its unique play of colors and iridescence make it a sought-after gemstone to imitate. However, there are several key factors you can consider to help you differentiate between genuine labradorite and imitations:

  1. Play of Colors: The most distinctive feature of labradorite is its captivating play of colors, known as labradorescence. Genuine labradorite will display vibrant flashes of blue, green, yellow, and sometimes even purple when moved or rotated. If a stone lacks this dynamic color play, it's likely not authentic.

  2. Iridescence Quality: Authentic labradorite will exhibit a natural and vibrant iridescence that seems to come from within the stone. Be cautious of labradorite that has a surface coating or appears overly bright or artificial in its colors.

  3. Transparency: Labradorite is typically translucent to semi-translucent, allowing light to penetrate the stone and reveal its play of colors. If a stone is completely opaque or lacks the depth of color, it may not be genuine labradorite.

  4. Color Consistency: The colors within genuine labradorite should be evenly distributed across the surface. Be wary of stones with uneven or patchy color distribution, as this could indicate a fake.

  5. Surface Quality: Examine the surface of the stone for natural inclusions, which are common in genuine labradorite. Imitations might lack these natural imperfections or have obvious synthetic patterns.

  6. Reflective Properties: Labradorite has a distinctive reflective quality that creates a sense of depth within the stone. Hold the stone at different angles and observe how light interacts with its surface. Fake labradorite may lack this depth and appear flat.

  7. Hardness and Durability: Labradorite is a relatively hard mineral, ranking around 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. While it can have minor scratches, labradorite should not easily scratch or chip. If a stone appears too soft or chips easily, it might not be genuine.

  8. Origin and Source: Consider the source of the labradorite. Authentic labradorite often comes from regions like Madagascar, Finland, Canada, and Russia. Research the origin of the stone and the reputation of the seller.

  9. Price and Setting: Be cautious if you come across labradorite jewelry that seems too good to be true in terms of price. High-quality labradorite with vibrant labradorescence can command a higher price due to its rarity and beauty. Additionally, the setting of the stone should be of good craftsmanship, as low-quality settings might be an indicator of an imitation.

  10. Seller Reputation: Purchase labradorite from reputable dealers or sellers who provide detailed information about the stone's origin, characteristics, and any treatments. Established jewelry stores and certified gemstone dealers are more likely to offer genuine labradorite.

Remember that it's always a good idea to consult with a knowledgeable gemologist or an expert in gemstones if you're unsure about the authenticity of a labradorite specimen. By being vigilant and informed, you can reduce the chances of falling for fake labradorite and ensure that you're investing in genuine gemstones.

Frequently Asked Questions about Labradorite

Can Labradorite be left in the sun?

It's recommended to avoid prolonged exposure of labradorite to direct sunlight. While short periods of sun exposure are generally fine, excessive sunlight can potentially fade the stone's vibrant colors over time. To preserve its beauty, consider storing labradorite jewelry away from direct sunlight when not in use.

Is Labradorite moonstone?

Labradorite and moonstone are two distinct gemstones. While they both belong to the feldspar mineral family, they have different optical properties. Labradorite is known for its play of colors, or labradorescence, while moonstone exhibits a soft sheen known as adularescence. Both stones are prized for their metaphysical properties and are used in jewelry and spiritual practices.

Does Labradorite change color?

Yes, labradorite is known for its unique color-changing phenomenon called labradorescence. When light interacts with the stone's internal structure, it creates iridescent flashes of colors that appear to shift as the stone is moved. This dynamic play of colors is one of labradorite's most distinctive features.

What energy does labradorite give off?

Labradorite is associated with energy that promotes transformation, protection, and intuition. It's believed to help individuals tap into their inner strengths, enhance psychic abilities, and shield against negative energies. Its iridescent colors are thought to resonate with various chakras, particularly the Third Eye chakra, fostering spiritual growth and balance.

What signs can wear labradorite?

Labradorite's energies are beneficial for various zodiac signs, including Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Leo. However, its transformative and protective qualities can be appreciated by anyone regardless of their astrological or zodiac sign.

What are the properties of labradorite in astrology?

In astrology, labradorite is associated with qualities of self-discovery, intuition, and psychic abilities. It's believed to aid in personal transformation, enhancing spiritual growth and awakening. Labradorite's energies align with the qualities of the Water element, which symbolizes emotions, intuition, and depth. It's considered a stone of awakening and self-discovery, encouraging individuals to explore their inner truths and tap into their innate psychic abilities. Labradorite's energies resonate with the mysteries of the cosmos and the depths of the subconscious.

What is labradorite stone used for?

Labradorite is used for a range of purposes, including spiritual and energy work, meditation, and jewelry making. Its metaphysical properties are believed to assist with self-discovery, enhancing intuition, and protecting against negative energies. As a stunning gemstone, labradorite is also used to create eye-catching jewelry pieces.

What are the benefits of labradorite stone?

Labradorite offers numerous benefits, including enhancing intuition, promoting spiritual growth, and providing protection against negative energies. It's believed to help individuals navigate life's changes with grace and resilience. Labradorite's energies can aid in enhancing creativity, fostering clarity of thought, and fostering a deeper connection to one's inner wisdom.

Is labradorite found in Newfoundland?

Yes, labradorite is found in Newfoundland, Canada. The name "labradorite" is derived from the region of Labrador in Newfoundland and Labrador, where the stone was first discovered. Labradorite is known for its unique iridescence and is widely used in jewelry and spiritual practices due to its captivating play of colors.

Is Labradorite a birthstone?

Labradorite is not one of the traditional birthstones commonly associated with specific months in the modern birthstone system. However, it is worth noting that there are alternative birthstone lists that include labradorite as a birthstone for certain months, often due to its metaphysical properties and popularity.

For example, some sources suggest that labradorite can be considered an alternative or modern birthstone for those born under the zodiac sign of Leo, which falls between July 23 and August 22. This association is based on the belief that labradorite's energies align well with the qualities attributed to Leos, such as creativity, self-confidence, and personal strength.

While labradorite might not be universally recognized as a traditional birthstone, its unique play of colors and mystical properties make it a meaningful and attractive choice for individuals born during specific astrological periods.

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